Seven years ago today, I published my first Fontenotes with this introduction:
I’m delighted to announce the launching of Fontenotes, an e-newsletter focused on all the changes in health care- and what those changes mean for each of us.
Every other week I’ll be publishing brief articles that will explain something that is changing in our health care system- and why- and where all of this change is headed.
Every Fontenotes has been a challenge and a pleasure for me. Exploring topics for patients and future patients such as “Do You Give Informed Consent?” or Antibiotics: Your Choice or Everybody’s Business?. Making the inner workings of the Federal Government understandable and relevant with Counting Votes and Reconciliation: a Primer and Beware The Conference Committee as examples, or just having fun with oddities like Does the President have HIPAA Rights and 1,954 Reasons Not to Eat a Blooming Onion have all added to my professional growth and satisfaction. (All 119 Fontenotes are available here.)
During the Covid Era, I tried to write about health care issues immediately relevant to the challenges we all experienced. As we reemerge into normal life, I’ve decided to continue my pandemic “monthly-ish” publishing.
In the meantime, given that Fontenotes is not the only thing that has aged seven years, I’m taking this opportunity to update my picture. []
Thank you for your continuing readership.