February 15, 2021 Planning for 2021: Is It Too Soon? (American College of Healthcare Executives)
January 26, 2021 Welcome to 2021. What Can You Expect in Healthcare? (American College of Healthcare Executives)
December 4, 2020 What To Expect in Healthcare in 2021 (Imagine Software)
April 16, 2020 The Looming Crisis of COVID-19 in Rural America (Guest Post, ACHE Blog)
March 4, 2019 A Short Glossary of Terms Used In Health Care Reform Debates (Me&My Doctor)
January 18, 2019 A Dozen Ways the Shutdown is Affecting Health Care (Texas Medical Association)
December 5, 2018 Forty Years of Practice: Regulatory Changes in Medicine (Resource Hub)
October 2015 From Medical Decision Making to Cost Comparative Decision Making (Physician Leadership Journal)
August 2015 Where is the Affordable in the Affordable Care Act (Physician Leadership Journal)
June 2015 Will Getting Rid of the ACA Cure What Ails You (Physician Leadership Journal)
July 2015 Where is the 'Affordable' in the Affordable Care Act? (Physician Executive Journal)
May 2015 Will Getting Rid of the ACA Cure What Ails You? (Physician Executive Journal)
March 2015 Will the Affordable Care Act Survive 2015? Congress, The Supreme Court and Political Reality (Physician Executive Journal)
January 2015 Politics and a Broken Promise: Why People Are Losing Their Physicians in Post-ACA America (Physician Executive Journal)
November 2014 Politics and a Broken Promise: The ACA Faces Another Election Cycle (Physician Executive Journal)
September 2014 Will Patients' Happiness Lead to Better Health? The ACA and Reimbursements (Physician Executive Journal)
July 2014 The Medical Loss Ratio: A Core Component of Reform (Physician Executive Journal)
May 2014 The Affordable Care Act, the FTC and the Independent Practice of Nurses (Physician Executive Journal)
March 2014 Affordable Care Act: Lifting the Curtain on Health Care Costs (Physician Executive Journal)
January 2014 The Affordable Care Act and Electronic Health Care Records: Can Technology Help Reduce the Cost of Health Care? (Physician Executive Journal)
November 2013 The Affordable Care Act and Electronic Health Care Records. Does today's technology support the vision of a paperless health care system? (Physician Executive Journal)
September 2013 Understanding the Affordable Care Act Bit by Bit: Will Transparancy and Sunshine Shrink Costs? (Physician Executive Journal)
July 2013 PCORI, Comparative Effectiveness and the ACA: Improving Patient Outcomes or Cookbook Medicine? (Physician Executive Journal)
May 2013 Will Health Care Costs Come Down? Watch the IPAB (Physician Executive Journal)
March 2013 Understanding the Affordable Care Act Bit by Bit: A Practicle Guide (Physician Executive Journal)